Sunday, May 24, 2009

The end

I think that it is certainly not a secret, by now, that I don't take blogging very seriously. I mean, no offense Mr. Ayers, but sharing my inner-most feelings and daily activities with the world has never been an activity that I had wished to engage in. And so, for the last year I have composed a lot of, for lack of a better word, shit.
My in-depth look at hippie Jesus-looking freaks, my expose on the color red, and reasons as to why I will certainly end up in Hell parts I, II and III, yeah I think you can make your own conclusions. To be honest, I had to write 1,200 words a week, and that's what I did; no more, no less, no effort.
I have learned through this whole experience that I am not as good of a writer on the fly as I would like to believe, and that few original ideas run through my noggin (yes, I did just use that word) at any given time. I am weird and don't like sharing my life, but I didn't need a blog to figure that out. I mean, this has really been a year of my ramblings, insanity and stupidity.
Needless to say, I'm sure, Mr. Ayers, that I'm not exactly the type of gal you are looking for in your masters research, and that's okay, because I think that if my blog has given me anything, it's the ability to voice my opinions and not care what anyone thinks about them. There's definitely something very liberating about putting your ideas in writing; a certain freedom that has allowed me to organize my thoughts and make more bold statements than I would ever make in conversation. For example, I would never tell you off in person, Mr. Ayers, I am far too much of a coward, but clearly here on my blog I have no problem saying that I gave the 80 or so blog posts the collective brain power I would give to making a peanut butter sandwich.
It is with these comments that I say goodbye to my prized 'Yay a blog!' for, certainly, forever; goodbye to incessantly typing at 11:56 on a Sunday night and to changing the posting options when it hit 12:01 and I still had to start another entry; goodbye to the frustration that comes with having writers' block until finally settling on a topic like butter; and finally goodbye to laughing at my own stupidity...but probably not because that is a practice that will likely last my entire life.
And so, to Mr. Ayers, I would like to thank you for not failing me, even after skimming the shitty contents of my blog for the past two terms, and hope that you would do the same this term! I warn you, I will be in your perspectives class next year, and you don't disgruntled Emma around, that is never pretty.
Yay a blog!, goodbye, sorry you suck so much.

1 comment:

Mr. Ayers said...

I look forward to next year in Perspectives. Really.

But be warned...

We blog.
