Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh yeah, probably going to Hell now! (part 2)

This is the continuation of another post, 'Oh yeah, probably going to Hell now!'.
(and some slightly offensive music from a musical about God to start you off)

5. Why doesn't Christianity ever want me to question God or Heaven? I can only imagine that any self-respecting, truthful establishment would want smart people as an integral part of it, and smart people think about things before they fully commit to them. However, Christianity takes the Bible as the law, why? Who even wrote the Bible, because as far as I know it was just some crazies that thought that God was talking to them. Anyway, the idea that I am supposed to blindly follow anything is mildly retarded, not going to happen.

6. God must be the biggest douche bag of ever. He takes credit for everything good that that people accomplish, and he is something that we can blame our problems. So obviously, people just use them as their emotional crutch, aka their way to not have to feel responsible for anything negative in their life. 'Why did little Johnny fall down the well and die? Well it must have been because it was God's time to take him to a better place now. Oh yes, he's in a better place now,' we try and perpetuate stupidity like this all the time. Guess what, Johnny fell down the well because he is stupid and played around a well! He isn't in a better place now, he's dead and under ten feet of dirt, unless your house was so shitty that a grave is a better place, in which case, I can come up with other reasons as to why Johnny killed himself, (excuse me, I meant fell) in the well. So, really, we just don't want to face the reality that some parts of life suck, and then you die.
7. My life is pretty tite now, so I don't need the promise of Heaven to validate my time on Earth. I'm not working toward any ultimate truth, I'm just having fun in life, and if God doesn't like that, he can fuck off. Because, really, the idea that all Christians have going in their life is that soon they'll be done with it, that's kind of sad. Maybe people turn to Christianity because of severe depression, I don't know.
8. Does God have magical powers? Because otherwise I think it would be a little tough for him to have made the world in seven days and such (because that Big Bang theory is just so dumb right?). But wait, I thought that Christianity condoned magic, anyone remember the Salem Witch Trials? And I mean one could make the argument that only God has magic, but maybe those witches were like Jesus. I hope all of those people in Salem went to Hell because they drowned Jesus' cousins.
...Oh, this still isn't over. I finally found something that I can aimlessly yammer about!

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