Thursday, January 8, 2009

The crap that goes on in the Middle East

So I was watching CNN last night, which is always really frustrating because I actually have no grasp of what's going on in the world. To me, it's all puppies and marshmallows and sunshine, but in actuality it's really sad, which is a real downer. Anyway so they were talking about the conflict in Israel and Palestine, and it got me really flustered.
Every time I hear about the troubles in the Gaza Strip, it always upsets me. However, this isn't really because I'm a humanitarian or anything, it's primarily because it just reminds me of how little I know about history. I never know why they're fighting, or which part is Muslim and which is Jewish. And pretty much it is always really sad because there are so many problems going on there and I don't know about any of them, and then I have to go ask my dad what is going on and he looks at me like I'm a retard, most of the time.
But anyway, in talking with him I became even more confused, because the sort of nonsense that's going on there is just ridiculous. First off, I don't understand why the Jewish people even came to form Israel in the first place, I mean I know that they were all distraught after World War II and it was a really horrible situation for all of them, but honestly they don't fit in in the Middle East. Plus, why would you want to go to a place that is really ethnically diverse from you and where you won't be wanted? It's not like they can even validate it by saying that their ancestors came from there, because if they've been gone for hundreds of years, I don't think it counts anymore. And then, when they went to go form Israel or whatever, they just pushed out all of those Muslims, which was way jerky of them. Anyway, what did they think was going to come from that? Because the people of that region have a long track record of being understanding of other cultures? Yeah, not so much. So, here's a clip from CNN about how Isreal broke the ceasefire first:

Okay, but still it is really sad that the Palestinians think that they can just go ahead and set bombs and missiles and whatever off in Israel, just because they're upset. I mean, I think that I am able to sympathize with them a little bit, because when they were pushed out of Israel and into that tiny Gaza Strip or whatever, it sucked and their quality of living probably dropped a lot, which is something to be really mad about. But after all of these years, I guess the biggest question I have is, why are they still squabbling over nonsense?
I asked my dad why they didn't all just leave if they didn't like the Gaza Strip, which I guess to him just showed my ignorance. "I mean, here we just all move around and it's no big deal," I said. "If they don't like what's going on there, why don't they just leave?"
He looked at me for a long time, with that same 'you're a moron look on his face' and then he told me that the culture is different there and that America is a nation that was founded by loser immigrants who are perfectly willing to move around. But when you've lived somewhere for ten gazillion years, you're bound to be a little more set in your ways. But then, I still don't understand why the Jewish people don't just move, it's not like they've been there for all that long anyway. But I guess that's a question to ponder another day.

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