Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Um like, let's waste our time

Sometimes I look around and wonder what on earth I am doing. It goes a little like, I sit down on my floor and start putzing with something stupid, and then I look up at the clock and realize that three hours have passed. It's kind of scary and hopefully not a serious problem or anything, but situations like these make me wonder whether I'm wasting my life. However, when I see people like this, I feel a little better, there are worse ways to wind up:

Now note, that originally I tried to put the link of the crazy lady that has like a zillion YouTube videos showing how to paint your own nails, but she must have anticipated my mockery and blocked me from embedding her video. But that's okay, because I will just link you to the most pointless two minutes of your life.
Yeah, so I guess what I have to say about this, is that people, in general have way too much time on their hands. This lady, apparently, has so little of a life that she sits in her apartment all day, inhaling paint fumes; great that should only make her more normal.
I suppose that I simply do not understand why she wastes her time making these weird videos. Here's a thought, why don't you spend your free time with real people rather than ones on the other end of a monitor. That the same way I feel about kids that read or play video games all the time; I like interacting with people that can talk back, not creepy fictional characters.
But whatever, I guess my wasted hours spent sitting on the floor of my room haven't been as pointless as crazy nail lady's, so that's a good sign.

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