Thursday, January 15, 2009

Doctors are gross

Ok so tonight I have to go to the doctor, which isn't really that big of a deal since I go to the doctor like every other day. But, I still hate it because I go to like a thousand different doctors because I'm just that unhealthy and all of them are jerks. Like I have this one that you can tell must have been bullied in his high school years and is resentful that I'm not or something because he is just weird and really bitter. And I'm really cordial and nice to him or whatever but he is just an ass all the time and I don't understand it.
Maybe he's nice in real life, I mean he seems a little like my dad in the sort of nerdy but cool type way. Yeah, maybe he's just a real dick when he has to see me because I'm a waste of his time or something.
Some people say that education makes you that way, really snobby and whatnot and having met him, I must say, I can see it. I wonder if education has made him that way, though, or if he was just a stunted kid and turned out mad about life and out to destroy everyone that isn't as miserable as him.
Ok, so in all honesty I know that this blog post isn't about anything, and my doctor isn't like The Simpsons' Dr. Mark Riviera or anything, but really I am just filling space. So for anyone who might still be reading you can probably gloss over all of this text because it will be more about nothing than you have previously experienced. I mean look at me, this paragraph is already four lines, oh make that five lines long and I have said absolutely nothing in it. Boy I hope that Mr. Ayers doesn't read this post because it is surely the most pointless one of all time, even more so than the one about the color blue, which by the way if you haven't read that one it is definitely the best of all time, so you should find it. It was only a few back and it's really short and a little less rambling than this one, except for it has a delightful video of the song I'm Blue. Yeah, it makes everyone smile so don't even resist it, really I'm serious just ditch this blog and move back to that one. But I guess, who am I kidding, my blog reaches a readership of approximately three people and they don't even read it because if they did I would probably make fun of them.
Wow, look how much I've typed in about three minutes, I think that's pretty neat because I need to type mostly a gillion words a week and it is really hard when I have nothing to talk about ever because pretty much I don't even have a brain, which is pretty evident in all of my posts.
Alright, so just a head's up, I'm about to type one hundred more words or so because I really need to meet my quota for t his week without actually having to generate a topic, so here goes. Hmm...well I guess I could say that my shoes right now are really pretty, like really pretty. They are blue with white polka dots on them and they have these tite bows on the front, I just really love them. Oh, and on another note, I just sneezed, which is really weird because I have sneezed like a thousand times in the past day, I wonder what is wrong with me, I mean besides the obvious. I wonder if anyone has ever sneezed so much that they have died. Oh, well, there I go again, sneezing and what not, because I'm sure it's a matter of public interest. Anyway, that would be really sad if my cause of death was because I sneezed too much, I think it would be really the saddest thing of my life, but at least it would give the people at my funeral something to laugh about. K tite bye.

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