Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The dirties

So the way I see it there are two types of people; dirties and cleanies. And the dirties, they scare me a ton. And the problem is that I bet if all the dirties in the school banded together they could overtake it. Like seriously, there are like a gillion of them compared to our scant numbers of normal kids.
First, however, it is probably pertinent that I define what a dirty is: those weird kids (though certainly not limited to this stereotype) that sit under the stairs or stand by the front doors. The ones that practically make babies in the hallways or are just plain gross. They always seem inherently tough to me and like they are involved in many things that they shouldn't be doing. The cleanies (yes I realize that this is not an actual word) on the other hand, are everyone else; not weird or gross.
This is why I don't make fun of the dirties to their faces, because there is no doubt in my mind that they could take me in a fight, I would die for sure. And furthermore, while it is pretty hard not to recognize who is a dirty and who is not, we probably shouldn't discriminate against them (while it is perfectly natural to be afraid of them).
I wonder if dirties are limited, though, simply to high school, or if I am going to have to cower in fear of them for my entire life. Do they exist in college, in the world of work? Because, if there's anything worse than a scary, weird teenager, it's a scary, weird adult. I don't know if I can handle a band of dirties taking over all of the free world, (because if the proportions of school to real life are correct, then it is going to be a frightening existence).
Surely, however, by the time that most kids reach adulthood, they have hammered out all of their strange and creepy behaviors and are able to be fully functional, not dirty, adults. I guess, though, it remains to be seen whether or not I will have to deal with these types of people in later life. I certainly hope not, because if I couldn't take them in a fight now, it is definite that I couldn't take them in a fight when I am old and frail (aka after age 30 or so).

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