Saturday, December 20, 2008

Phil the moth

There is a moth that shares my bedroom with me. His name is Phil. He doesn't bother me as much as a lot of the other bugs I have found in that room, so I let him stay.
I found a spider in the corner of my room once, I screamed and then scooped it up to take it outside. Sometimes flies get trapped in between my screen and my window pane too. They are the worst because they make that disgusting buzzing noise. A ladybug once crawled across my pillow, I threw away the pillow case with the insect in it.
There have been other moths too. I think I killed Phil's brother the other day with an old magazine, but it doesn't look like Phil minded. Maybe they were rivaling siblings or something, I wouldn't doubt that Phil was the quarterback super stud to his brother's nerdy audio-visual club president.

Phil has been in my room for a few weeks now, or at least I think it has been the same moth, even though he doesn't have many distinguishing features. I thought that moths were only supposed to live a day or two, so Phil must be the equivalent of 184 in human years.

I'm really surprised that he's still even alive, because he keeps flying into the light bulb in my lamp. It's kind of like how they are attracted to flames, and will fly at it even if it dies in the process. Except for I don't have any open flames in my room, so there isn't really a threat of him burning up in a flame. If he did, I would be really sad too.

So, I think that as long as Phil doesn't bring his friends with him to infest my room, we won't have a problem and he can remain my pet moth. But when that day does come, Phil and his buddies may find themselves victim to the wrath of a Time Magazine.

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