Saturday, December 6, 2008

If school weren't so funny we would all drop out

School is boring, there I said it. I am sick of every facet of it; the homework, the lectures, the wasted hours spent staring off into space and above all the learning. And quite frankly, when this term rolled around, I seriously considered dropping a hefty portion of my classes and moving out of the AP program in many areas. (But of course I didn't have the guts and could see the many negative long-term implications that may come with it, so I refrained.)
But this is they way school has been since (I dare say) the day I entered high school; I stopped caring and school started sucking. So to pass the time, I have started observing people around Kennedy (and boy are there some funny ones!) and my sweet, innocent demeanor turned to one of a snide, sarcastic, jaded gal.
Essentially, this has made high school a much more interesting place and revealed one of my many talents, making fun of people. For example, as of late, my friend Nix and I have begun looking for people around the school that look like characters from Winnie the Pooh. We already have Pooh and Piglet, as well as our AP Chem sub from Friday cast as the mole.
Besides this, I like making fun of many other people in the school (under the pretense, of course, that the small fraction of people who know that I exist at Kennedy make fun of me as well). Through this observation of my surroundings, I think that I have become a more aware person. I have begun to surround myself with more diverse types of people, simply because they entertain me and I have honed my sarcastic wit.
But seriously, the people I am surrounded with on a daily basis make me pee my pants with laughter. You've got my third hour, which is full of the funniest characters I have ever met; my fifth hour, which is home to like 18 kids, two of which (and a teacher) that stare at me for 60 minutes, a group of druggies who share frightening stories, the kids that sit diagonal from me who spend the whole time discussing Dungeons and Dragons and none of us could tell you what has happened the whole year; and finally there is my sixth hour, where nobody knows what is going on but we do talk about the most random of subjects. And then, best of all, there are the random kids that you see in the hallway, they are inevitably the weirdest, just because you only ever catch snippets of their conversations. Really, the only reason that I will myself to get up in the morning anymore and actually go to school are the magical people I share Kennedy with.

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