Saturday, December 6, 2008

If you deal at work...

I think I work with drug dealers, and by think I mean know.
Now I want to start this blog off with a disclaimer, so here it is: I don't know what a drug dealer looks like and I don't do drugs, and until very recently I didn't know that they were real (which sounds really dumb, but by real I mean that I didn't know that they were around in places besides inner-city crack dens). Illegal drugs are wrong and bad and I am above the influence because they are gross and because I don't want to screw up my life doing something shady. But anyway, this isn't going to be some sort of preaching session.
With that said, yeah I know druggies, which is the scariest thing of my life. I mean, I refuse to talk to them about drugs and when they ask me if I smoke I make some sort of sarcastic response (per the one that I give anyone who asks such an absurd question) and by doing this I give them some sort of normalcy in my mind.
So the problem comes in with the fact that I don't totally abhor them. I mean, they don't look like movie druggies and I don't really know the symptoms of a person on a drug binge, but from what I can tell they aren't under the influence when they come to work, so why should I dislike them? They're pretty neat people normally and the other regular (aka non drug dealer/user) people that I work with don't seem to mind these guys' obvious occupational and character flaws, so why should I? I mean, just because Nancy Regan's mantra obviously didn't rub off on them, should I condemn them and myself to a miserable work atmosphere?
At the same time though, they creep me out. They constantly seem dirty to me and I become hopelessly awkward whenever I think of their outside of work activities. Really though, in the back of my mind I think that I am just waiting to watch a monster drug raid upon the company, because that would probably make my life complete.
For now, although I want to hang on until March, which is when one of the guys promised to take me and this other girl to a rave (don't worry I wouldn't actually go to a rave at my young and impressionable age), it would probably serve me well to scrap that environment, shucks. Isn't that always how it works though; a few idiots ruin the credibility of everyone else, or in this case a whole company.

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