Thursday, April 2, 2009

Go ahead, miss class

It brings me constant pleasure to hear people who think that teachers actually care about their education. The other day I was sitting next to a particularly brown-noser-ish goodie-two-shoes type girl who has totally given in to this idea. She had to attend an event one day out of the whole school year, and was supposed to get this ridiculous paper signed saying that she was allowed to leave, which, to anyone who has ever just skipped a class (obviously not her) is the most preposterous thing ever.
"Herk is going to kill me!" she exclaimed at the thought of missing math.
"Why?" I inquired, curious as to why she would think he cared whether she missed one day of math, it's not like she is blatantly retarded and couldn't get the work made up or anything.
She looked at me with a twisted, quizzical look on her face and I walked away smiling. I guess the sooner she realizes that no teacher honestly cares about her individually, as just one of the hundreds of students they see in a day, the better.
And it's not like I expect teachers to care about me anyway. Overall, I just try not to bother them, because in reality, they will forget that I ever existed the moment I leave their classroom, and this is something I am comfortable with. And in the same line of thinking, I totally plan to forget about that class when summer comes as well.
So I would just say, keep on skipping because it's not a big deal; nobody will remember.

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