Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yep, I'm a Republican!

I never thought the day would come when the words, "Yep, I'm a Republican" came out of my mouth.
Those gun-toting, super-rich, up-tight, Bush clones; I never thought I would be a member of the GDP! In my house, that just isn't something that happens. My mom liberal, my dad is a registered democrat and my sister is as left-wing as they come. None of my friends take a particularly conservative stance. Heck, I grew up idolizing the hippies of Woodstock, longing to be with them. And so, it was always just assumed, I guess, that this is how I would be too--that this is how I should be.
And don't get me wrong, I conformed for quite a while. I was the lone Obama supporter for the majority of the election in my household, with a gaggle of Hillary supporters surrounding me. The infectious, passion-inspiring nature of that man, I think, wrapped everyone up in his greatness; and if I had been 18, there would have been no doubt that he would have been who I marked down on my ballot, primarily because that is what I would have been expected to do.
It's kind of funny how even in the utter privacy of a voting booth, the pressures of others can still plague you.
Anyway, it wasn't until after Obama took office that I noticed one grave fault in his platform: he had none. Except for yelling "Change!" and "Hope!" at every possible time, the man had no clue, and neither did I. If, at that time, I had been asked to identify democratic principles, I could not have done it to save my life.
This prompted me to look into the platforms of the two sides, and decide without much hesitation that the democrats are a lot stupider than I was giving them credit for. And this isn't a knock on any of my liberal friends by any means, because getting into a political debate is never one of the activities that I wish to engage in. Furthermore, outside of this blog, I plan to keep my views pretty quiet, because nobody wants to be seen as crazy neocon girl (for the record, I am not a neoconservative ala George W. Bush though).
My only apprehension about declaring my position as a Republican, is that I will be viewed as uptight. You know what I'm talking about--how Republicans always seem to have some sort of stick up their ass to make them incredibly intense...that's what I refuse to be. And so, I plan to create my own hybrid of hippie-looking Republican.

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