Monday, October 27, 2008

Will Obama's "change" platform be hindered by issues of racial tension?

If you're ready to throw up on some racist, white trash hillbillies, watch this:

Yeah, that's right, you just heard all that! Now go ahead and tell me that there aren't crazies in America. It's amazing how two minutes of video, accidentally downloaded to this blog I might add, got me so worked up. But, in all reality I am still simply dumbfounded that people are so ignorant and stupid. Who are these country bumpkins anyway? I mean, honestly, if this is the cream of the crop out there in Ohio, it's a disturbingly redneck existence; a time-warped world where racial conflicts run rampant and you can cut the tension with a knife.
In all seriousness though, I will go ahead and admit that I have never been fully exposed to the horrors of racism; as a upper-middle class, white gal growing up in Iowa with pretty tolerant surroundings, the issue of race hasn't presented itself a lot. I have never discriminated against people because of their skin color, ethnicity or religion just because I was never taught to do that. And up until a few minutes ago, I was pretty sure that racism a dead issue, the kind history teachers drag out to make an important point on Martin Luther King Jr. Day or to explain modern genocide, but not as an actual issue of America today. Now, after watching 20 hillbillies from Ohio, I have been forced to reevaluate everything that I have ever thought about the subject.
While it's evident that fear, the kind of weary post 9/11 leeriness that lingers in the minds of many adults today, is a prominent feature in politics, rarely has it reached so far. And with the mix of racial and gender differences in the most recent election, this fear, which began to slowly slip from our minds as the years went on, has been reawakened with a vengeance.
Now, to be cautious in today's world, where most adults have a decidedly jaded view of society that contrasts starkly with my idealistic outlook, is completely understandable. We want to be given the facts and to stay one step ahead of scanners, to sense fraud and foresee troubles; to essentially know the future. But, is there a point where this reaches absurdity?
Did I honestly just hear not one but a handful of men and women assume that Obama has terrorist affiliations?!? What kind of evidence to they honestly have, the fact that he has a strange name? dark skin? an ethnic friend? And although there is no doubt in my mind that the people who made these accusations should be castrated so as not to perpetuate the stupid in the gene pool, what about the rest of the people who preliminarily jumped to conclusions, the ones who subscribe to the Wall Street Journal rather than 'Coon Hunting Monthly? What should we do with them, the ones that are supposed to be our best and brightest? I honestly don't know.
I remember having a conversation with someone about Barack Obama once, after I declared my support for his candidacy. They commented that America simply couldn't have a black president. Now this wasn't because they were racist or afraid of Barack's bogus "terrorist affiliation" reports, but because they didn't think that America could handle it. "He will get assassinated," I was cryptically informed by this person. I sluffed off this comment as crazy; people, I thought, were not psychopaths. We all just want the candidate that will do the best job for the country and his skin color isn't what forces him to hit the war button. But now, after watching that video, I don't know what to think anymore.

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