Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kudos for a real ad

The election has been going on for what seems like forever now, and the backstabbing and cat fights have escalated to unbearable proportions. What gets me the most are the commercials that the candidates are running; negative smear ads that make this seem more like a high school student body president between two popular girls. But, in the wake of the last eight months or so of negative ads, there was a break. I recently saw an ad that actually made me sit up and take notice, (no not because it included a funny caricature of the opposing candidate or questioned their credentials, but because it didn't elude to anything negative.) Thus, I give my kudos to Barack Obama for running the first real ad seen in this election in a long time. Take a look:

Props to Obama for actually laying out what his ideas are in a nice, concise format, and for not mentioning John McCain once. Because, really isn't that what an election is supposed to be about; people presenting their ideas in an orderly format and letting the people choose based off of that? It shouldn't be people basing their ideas off of what dirt can be found on one candidate, I mean because quite honestly as long as we don't have a serial killer running for office, I don't really care about their past. Before I go any further on this post though, a disclaimer will be put in order: keep in mind that McCain may have run similarly upright ads, this was just the first one I that flashed across my television screen, and so this is not an attack on the Republican Party in the least. And keep in mind that this ad is certainly not typical political advertising, the vast majority that I have seen are attacks, and this goes for both parties, on the opposite candidate. Now I digress though, on with my praises. I like the way that Obama sets out his policies in two minutes of filming and although he really tells you nothing about how he's going to do anything (which ultimately leads to questions as to whether he even knows, but that's not important now,) he leaves you with the feeling that you know exactly how our country will take shape over the next four years if he is elected into office. Thus, in the end I must say that I admire this ad and wish that I had seen more like it over the past few months. However, now that November 4th is less than a week away, I am more relieved that the ads will soon be over.

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