Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We're all 'Smurfs on Ice'

Stumbling in upon a usual Torch work session is a lot like watching a magic trick; even if you pay close attention to the slew of scatter-brained events, you will never know how everything all comes together.
The word magic is actually thrown around a lot during a Torch work session, mainly because nobody knows the proper terminology for how they did anything, but that's okay. Unlike a magic trick, however, the Torch editors do not hold all the secrets to executing a perfect trick, in fact we are often surprised that anything comes out in a cohesive manner. A well-oiled machine, we are not. Let me break it down:
While there are, I admit, a few people who can whip out a page in two hours be able to call it spectacular, or who are quality Nazis, the rest of us not so much. Amid loud music and funny stories, Elise is running through the hallways in a lion suit or pulling out our super-secret "Just Like Dads" or saying quotes we all can enjoy, ("Do you know that beer called 'Smurf on Ice'??" Megan is ad libbing High School Musical scenes (portraying both Troy and Gabriella), Alex is waving his phone through the air in the hopes that his texts might go through or telling me to put a "how gay are you" quiz on my page and Reid is threatening to drop someone's grade or telling a hilariously inappropriate story or honing his backup dancer skills or just generally being my favorite person of life. Nobody knows where Ben is or what's going on his page, (but when he does dane to show up he always brings fun hats and the best music selection, so that makes up for everything), Cassie has been done with photos for two hours so she just sits back and laughs at us suckers and Ashley makes a delightfully homicidal comment. I generally just wander around the room and talk in spurts with everyone, while generally making fun of people along the way, because it's what I do best. (These situations, mind you, are only a glimpse into about an hour of last work session, but generally it's just magic.)

But seriously, I love the people in Torch and work sessions until late at night would not be bearable without them. GL, on the other hand, must be dumbfounded by our stupidity at times; the fact that the majority of us laugh at nothing and have stupid inside jokes must make his skin crawl. But even with all of our goofing off, I'm sure that he still adores the majority of us, because who wouldn't enjoy a fun lot such as ourselves. I mean, don't get me wrong, we definitely do work hard and fun generally comes out of it, even if we spend hours griping about how much work we have left to do. Ultimately, Torch is just magic; who knows how we do what we do? (Evidently we don't even know.) But it always turns out the same: a lot of really neat people hang out and somehow make greatness. That, when it's all said and done, is what's really neat to me, that a few kids can sit down and create a whole newspaper from scratch (award-winning by the way), without being to serious and boring about it.

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