Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Politics are pointless

Why do people even pay attention to politics? I mean really they're dumb. We're all so wrapped up in the latest presidential debate or the last government scandal; isn't this just counterproductive?
What got me thinking about this was my third hour class. I have to spend an hour each day, which any other time of the year would be mildly enjoyable, in a virtual hell. I constantly have to be surrounded by politically over-opinionated people; barking about foreign policy and economics. Really, it kind of makes me sick to my stomach and I think that if I hear the words Obama or McCain one more time I might scream.
Guess what? I don't want to discuss their differing policies or debate which will be the best next commander in chief. I would really just like to sit back and hear the sound of silence, but no, I'm subjected to the completely obnoxious voices of stupid people bickering about something that none of them really have any influence over.
Plus, and here's the kicker, my class isn't polarized in the least; they are all Obama supporters! Yeah, so even though they shouldn't be debating about anything, but rather commending each other on their fine choices of a candidate in a session of "You're great," "No, you're great." But no, it's just a lot of bickering and nitpicking about absolutely nothing!
Really, I know that this seems ludicrous, but let me paint you a picture of what will happen today in third hour; a pretty much accurate representation of every day. We begin the class with a hello and pleasantries and get most of the class business out of the way, which is fine, but then my teacher asks one fateful question; "So, who watched the debate last night?" he asks. Suddenly hands shoot up and one girl in an Obama T-shirt starts talking about how McCain is such a loser and smirked during the whole thing and that's why he lost. Another gal clad in Young Democrats' Club garb, the most irritating of them all, turns to me, because of course I am sitting next to her, and she begins to yell at the top of her lungs to nobody in particular, "Obama is a formidable candidate for presidency because of his economic..." all the while trying to educate the whole class on Barack's policies. The teacher, having realized his mistake holds his head in his hands and wonders silently why everyone is so crazy, but aloud voices that it saddens him that we don't have opposing views. By now the entire class is all in a tizzy and continue to recount and rehash the debate for the next 30 minutes. I, during all of this discussion, just turn around to the other few sane people in the class and make the motion that I want to drop dead instead of hearing this for another day, they concur, because really, nobody is talking about anything.
So, here's what I think it comes down to, people are dumb and arrogant, and this is not just limited to my third hour class. They are as bad as the politicians that they abhor in that they feel the need to impose their beliefs on everyone, even if they clearly don't care. So really, just stop, because any other situation reminiscent of my third hour will undoubtedly make me go crazy.

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